Four surprising porn habits women have

Due to the fact that there are scientific studies that women also have their own pornographic habits, maybe it is safe to set aside the idea that women have a grudge at men’s shameful porn habits and are instead heading over to their favorite porn sites especially when they are home alone.

Studies have found that as many as one in three women have pornographic activities, just like what was found in the survey of a lot of porn sites like Porntube XL where women spend more time than men when they watch porn and the percentage is staggering even though women are not a monolith, with preferences and opinions as many genres porn has, the research has found that there are a lot of common threads when it comes to their porn viewing pleasures.

 In this article, let us talk about the habits that women display who watches porn.

  • They discreetly love to watch other women- Contrary to popular belief that women watch porn to improve their skills for their men, well, women have a more erotic fantasy in pleasing themselves by watching lesbian porn according to a series of surveys conducted by popular porn sites. The reason behind it is that the majority women that portray the lesbian act in porn videos is that they have a near-perfect physiology which makes them envy these actresses especially when they going down to business that somehow fulfills their fantasy of women to women sexual intercourse, and admits it this kind of videos can turn you also right?
  • They watch porn by themselves- Just like men, women also have their alone time, their “me” time after a survey that covered three-thousand women which found that only 12 percent have said that they watch porn with their partners. Well, first of all, watching porn with your partner can be awkward sometimes which is pretty obvious that even men watch porn by themselves knowing that there are some erotic fantasies that might be judged differently by their partners. Also, your relationship with porn is mostly about yourself.
  • They spend more time watching porn than men- It is totally surprising because the fact that men watch porn more than women do, however, women watch porn longer than men according to popular porn sites that conducted a survey last year where in the United States, an average American woman spends more than eleven minutes per porn session while men spend about a minute or less. The explanation behind this is that maybe women take longer before they can completely please themselves than men, however, the other reason suggests is that women are more meticulous when it comes to watching porn thus they spend more time searching for videos that can arouse their sexual urge.
  • They love plots- Related to the reason behind why they spend more time than men is that they love plots so they will spend more minutes watching the first few scenes of their favorite porn videos where the plot is usually being introduced regardless if it is a parody or just another silly plot and backstory. A lot of studies found out that women are drawn into the porn’s plotline where they have to watch the narrative and the dialogue to make them aroused and visually stimulated.

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