Remember These Golden Rules Before Getting Involved In An FWB

Friends with benefits are the buddies whom you can expect for all your sexual needs. You are merely just a text away from a nice late-night exotic workout with your FWB (let us call them fuck buddies throughout the article).

When everything seems to go correct, a lot of fuck buddies make a terrible mistake, i.e. they catch feelings. As a result, the original meaning of FWB that is to just enjoy sexual experience without catching those sticky relationship feelings and responsibilities is altered.

Therefore, to put a safeguard around you against those feelings, we have compiled a comprehensive list of golden rules to follow:

  1. Keep your hands clean and intentions clearer

The very first thing that you need to do is to talk with your fuck buddy. Ask them about their opinion on a relationship and most importantly tell them the cons of a serious relationship. If you both have different opinions then change your fuck buddy because things will just not work out. Once you’ve been open about it, this will be a lot more fun.

  1. Don’t share thoughts after sex

This is among the most common mistakes that fuck buddies make. They start sharing their thought after having a nice sex. Due to this, they start getting emotional feelings for each other and as a result, become prey of relationship. Be safe from this behavior. Don’t be a cry baby about your life hurdles or anything. Just keep the talk casual and light.

  1. Booty call them

After you have taken a few drinks, don’t hesitate in calling them for a great sex. However, don’t just call again and again if they don’t pick up. Maintain the classic meaning of fuck buddies that is to have sex whenever needed.


Having a fuck buddy is the best thing you can have. Just call, penetrate, and repeat. With these golden rules, you can always make sure that it remains an FWB and not a serious relationship.

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