The big night: 5 steps to planning the perfect Sydney bucks

Sure, it’s an exciting time for your mate. He has met the love of his life and they are looking to get married, buy a place, have a family and enjoy the next phase of their lives.

It’s quite exciting, but what’s even more exciting is being in charge of planning his ripper bucks extravaganza! This is the ultimate sendoff; the night where your mate gets one last chance to truly let loose and see the fellas off in style.

But you don’t go into the bucks party without a plan, as this could make things a very drab affair. From getting started early, to finding out what your mate actually wants to do, to getting him the best strip club dance out there, here are five steps to ensuring your mate and the crew have an unforgettable bucks party:

  1. Get started early

The last thing you want is to wake up on the Saturday and say, “oh, man, Tommo’s bucks is tonight – wha’do I do?” This will only make things frantic and will never end up being the amazing time that it should’ve been.

So, do not hesitate when it comes to planning your mate’s bucks. Obviously, planning a bucks isn’t like planning a business deal – it really doesn’t have to be that convoluted – just ensure that you know what you’ll be doing, where and with what necessities to make it the ultimate time on the town!

  1. Find out what your mate wants to do

Look, not all brides (and grooms for that matter) want said groom to be dragged into the depths of depravity for their final night of freedom, but that doesn’t mean they won’t allow him to have a cheeky good time!

You don’t want to create a situation that will get your mate in trouble – that’s not funny and is just pretty lame really – so be completely honest with him and his bride-to-be about the revelry that will take place on the night.

Do you plan on getting pretty inebriated? Are you going to end up at the best strippers in town? You may already know the bride will be chilled about it or it may surprise just how chilled she is about it – be honest, gauge the situation and if there is anything on the cards that makes either of them feel uncomfortable then maybe give it a miss.

  1. Now choose your venues

Now that you have broached the situation with the bride and groom, and you know what limits you can go to without causing a big pre-wedding problem, it’s now time to choose the places you are going to go and get booking early!

Will you start the day off with a boozy cruise before moving on to a mate’s and then a nightclub/strippers? Or, is something like go-karting or paintballing on the agenda? You never know just how early you have to book a joint these days, so don’t hesitate to choose the one you know will be a winner and get onto their bookings page ASAP!

  1. Make the guestlist

Who is the crew going to be on the day? It’s a very good idea to make the list early in case any of the fellas have to pull out well before the big event.

  1. Choose the best strip club

You don’t want to find yourself at a subpar strippers at your mate’s bucks party – there is something a little depressing about that. Ensure your mate feels well-loved and looked-after by taking him to the very best strip club Sydney has available!

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